Injuries to the ears are often caused by changes in air or water pressure, which in medical terms is called barotrauma. This can happen during airplane flights or diving. This disease is also called barotitis or aerotitis. It also often causes the eardrum to rupture. There is also generalized barotrauma. In which the whole body can be affected.
It is also called decompression.
The ear has three parts: outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. The middle ear contains the air drum and the back of the ear. A contact of the human body with the outside world, also through the middle ear. This connection is called a thin tube, connecting the ear to the back of the mouth.
There is a clicking sound in the ear while swallowing something. It is a bubble of air that moves through a permanent eustachian tube. Due to which the internal pressure of the ear remains balanced. Barotrauma can occur when this ear canal is partially or completely blocked.
Barotrama often occurs during landing or landing of an aircraft.
Or diving under scuba diving. The change in pressure creates a vacuum in the middle ear that pulls the ear inwards. It hurts and makes the ears feel full.
In the more severe case of barotrama the middle ear is filled with clear fluid. The body tries to balance the pressure on both sides of the ear.
Therefore, this fluid enters the blood vessels from the inner ear, and this only happens when the esophageal tube is open. This condition is called serous otitis media. It causes pain in the middle ear and hearing loss. In severe cases, the eardrums may rupture, causing blood or fluid to leak out of the ear. And hearing is affected.
It is also possible for this substance to reach the internal organs through the cochlea and semicircular canals between the small bones of the ear. Both are a kind of contact between the middle ear and the inner ear and often this fluid can reach the balance center of the brain and cause imbalance and result in dizziness which is a kind of medical emergency. There is also what is called Vertigo.
Ear barotrauma is commonly reported in air travelers and is more likely to occur during travel in people who have a cold, allergy or infection.
This is common in children because their esophageal tubes are thinner than in adults and close more easily.
In addition to the ears, there is also barotrauma to the lungs. But air travelers do not have barotrauma to the lungs, but only occasionally to divers. The diaphragm is an important muscle that supports breathing. When divers hold their breath during diving, the diaphragm moves abruptly in an attempt to "pant."
This causes a vacuum in the lungs and causes blood to flow into the lung tissue. In this condition the patient has difficulty breathing and such patients are placed on a ventilator in the intensive care unit as a serious emergency.
Lung barotrauma associated with scuba diving can also cause coughing up blood after diving.
Borough trauma is divided into two categories according to the severity of the disease. Acute barotrauma also called acute and chronic barotrauma which is also called chronic.
Common symptoms of ear barotherma include severe pain in the ear, ear closure, feeling of heavy or stuffy ears (this symptom can be overcome by chewing gum in the meantime),
These include dizziness or vertigo, bleeding from the ear and discharge of fluid. If fluid begins to flow, it may mean that your eardrum has ruptured.
This fluid can be foul-smelling as well as itchy in the ears. The most important symptom can be hearing loss.
A minor case of ear barotrauma can be diagnosed by the patient himself and does not need to see a doctor.
It is important to see a doctor when the symptoms become severe and last a long time, or if there is severe pain or dizziness in the ear.
The doctor examines the middle ear with a light magnifying glass (autoscope). This examination is called autoscopy. In this examination, the eardrum is pulled inwards. The doctor leaves a puff of air in your ear canal to look for clean water or fluid behind the ears. If the eardrum does not move properly, it means there is fluid behind the ear.
Holes in the eardrum can also be clearly seen through an otoscope
The above symptoms are usually temporary. But more serious symptoms, including cervical otitis media, can last for weeks or months. The bad smell of the ears often goes away on its own. Hearing loss can be caused by the ear not being completely healed and there is a risk of permanent hearing loss.
Surgery is often needed to prevent this.
It is important to keep the esophageal tubes open during the flight to avoid symptoms of barotrauma. In the case of a cold, ear infection or allergy, it is important to treat these symptoms before traveling.
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