
Showing posts from November, 2021

relaxation in nature

  Stress is a psychological disorder that has nothing to do with nutrition or weight. Stress can lead to mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. You need to put stress under control if you want to avoid symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, flaky skin, backaches, numbness, gas, cravings, headaches, heartburn, apnea, burner blindness, skin rashes, etc. to have a healthy life. Over time, stress will wear your body out. Stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Stress is a weak point in your body that startle you off to give it more attention that your body can handle Look at the situation you are experiencing Stress the way you see it. Right now, you’re having stressful thoughts or you’re in need of a way to focus your mind towards the situation you are facing. Today, you want to relax on your right side and sit on a pillow right next to you. Turn to your left and stand up and do the same. You want to go stand on your right side and sit on your left

relaxation in nature

  Stress is a psychological disorder that has nothing to do with nutrition or weight. Stress can lead to mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. You need to put stress under control if you want to avoid symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, flaky skin, backaches, numbness, gas, cravings, headaches, heartburn, apnea, burner blindness, skin rashes, etc. to have a healthy life. Over time, stress will wear your body out. Stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Stress is a weak point in your body that startle you off to give it more attention that your body can handle Look at the situation you are experiencing Stress the way you see it. Right now, you’re having stressful thoughts or you’re in need of a way to focus your mind towards the situation you are facing. Today, you want to relax on your right side and sit on a pillow right next to you. Turn to your left and stand up and do the same. You want to go stand on your right side and sit on your left


physiotherapy in Alexandria  Virginia today  we're going to discuss some of the benefits of trigger point dry needling granulating is a neat adjunct to treatment when we can't focus in on one orthopedic issue that might be causing the patinas physical therapists we immediately start to think well what can be theca use of the problem here what might be the thing driving the pain and then we would test that out shoulder joint injury let's say an acromioclavicular joint or a rotator cuff injury people will say it hurts here right here when i do this so when we have these diffuse patterns of pain that are dull in nature maybe getting a little bit worse may respond to different positions of the head neck or shoulders that don'tmake sense for a joint injury in that area that's when we have to start thinking about myofascial reason for some of the overlap of pain the needle itself a lot of times is not even perceived by the patient that i'll tell them is that when i


physiotherapy in Alexandria  Virginia today  we're going to discuss some of the benefits of trigger point dry needling granulating is a neat adjunct to treatment when we can't focus in on one orthopedic issue that might be causing the patinas physical therapists we immediately start to think well what can be theca use of the problem here what might be the thing driving the pain and then we would test that out shoulder joint injury let's say an acromioclavicular joint or a rotator cuff injury people will say it hurts here right here when i do this so when we have these diffuse patterns of pain that are dull in nature maybe getting a little bit worse may respond to different positions of the head neck or shoulders that don'tmake sense for a joint injury in that area that's when we have to start thinking about myofascial reason for some of the overlap of pain the needle itself a lot of times is not even perceived by the patient that i'll te

A Japanese method to relax in five minutes

minutes every day you are stressed about too many things work relationship family bills other people's opinions a certain amount of stress is normal and even necessary but excessive stress can take a toll on your life and health you're not gonna believe what I'm about to tell you next you can get rid of stress in no   time at all all you need to cope with anxiety and headache is just one method a unique ancient Japanese technique it takes less than five minutes and can be done about anywhere to practice the technique you should first understand that each finger of your hand represents a different feeling or attitude let's see exactly what here's your hand thumb index middle ring and pinky the thumb helps combat emotions like anxiety and worry the index can help you combat fear the middle finger helps you control anger and resentment the ring finger can help you fight depression and sadness also it's responsible for making you more decisive and the pinkie helps t

A Japanese method to relax in five minutes

minutes every day you are stressed about too many things work relationship family bills other people's opinions a certain amount of stress is normal and even necessary but excessive stress can take a toll on your life and health you're not gonna believe what I'm about to tell you next you can get rid of stress in no   time at all all you need to cope with anxiety and headache is just one method a unique ancient Japanese technique it takes less than five minutes and can be done about anywhere to practice the technique you should first understand that each finger of your hand represents a different feeling or attitude let's see exactly what here's your hand thumb index middle ring and pinky the thumb helps combat emotions like anxiety and worry the index can help you combat fear the middle finger helps you control anger and resentment the ring finger can help you fight depression and sadness also it's responsible

How to read chest e-rays

  working as an Intensiveness, ICU consultant   is actually based on the request from all of  you guys, from my juniors from my colleagues   and this is all about reading and interpreting  chest x-rays in a simplified manner and in this   video I have discussed around 25 x-rays and that  too starting from the basics which you need to   know. So do watch this video till the end to  become a chest x-ray expert. So let's begin Before you start reading or interpreting the  x-ray, you need to know which is the right   and the left side in this x-ray. This  is the right side and this one is the   left side and this is usually marked on the  x-rays. A good way to remember is that you   imagine that the patient is always facing towards  you, this is true for both PA and AP films now   I will tell you the structures which are normally  seen on chest x-ray. I'll just mark and name the   structures, will discuss in detail in the later  part of this video. So this is the trachea,   this is