Use lemons, green vegetables and water
Most people who use high protein diets are more likely to suffer from indigestion and acidity. Permanent increase in 'weakness' causes dizziness and other serious health risks.
This is what happens in the case of high protein diet supplements, which greatly increase the severity of the disease. Patients should do healthy physical activities such as brisk walking for 30-40 minutes daily and 20-25 minutes for morning breathing exercises in an airy place.
People with chronic acidosis can try to alleviate their acidity by increasing the amount of lemons, green leafy vegetables and water in their diet.
Make it a habit to consume at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, but be careful not to drink water 15-20 minutes before and 20-25 minutes after eating solid foods.
In addition, green salads should be used with every meal, especially during the day.
Cucumber, Carrot, Beetroot, Cabbage, Radish, Onion, Salad Leaves, Peppermint, Black Salt and Lemon Juice. Don't eat anything else and avoid using meat for dinner.
Use of pumpkin, tamarind, zucchini, potato, bean, spinach, fenugreek, peas and other vegetables will help you to get rid of acidity.
Great post.