What is sleep?

 Photo of Sleeping Man
A break during the day or night when we are unaware of our environment and do not realize it is called sleep. ۔ Sleep-Pre The muscles relax, the heart beats slowly and the body How much sleep do we need? It depends on our age. ۔ Very young children sleep about 17 hours a day.Baby Sleeping on White Cotton ۔ Older children sleep about nine or ten hours a day. ۔ Most adults sleep seven or eight hours a night. ۔ Older people need the same amount of sleep. But during the night you usually see only one interval of deep sleep, which is usually in the first three or four hours. After that it is easier to wake them up and they have less dreams as they get older. Most of us need seven or eight hours of sleep a nightBaby Sleeping Beside Girl on Gray Floral Textile Insomnia There are many everyday reasons for not getting a good night's sleep. For example, a place for sleeping Be very hot or cold. Or your bed may not be comfortable ۔ - Cigarettes, alcohol and caffeinated beverages such as tea or coffee. - Illness, pain or high temperature. Insomnia can be a problem. If you stay awake at night from time to time, you will feel tired the next day, but it does not harm your physical or mental health. Although after many sleepless nights you will find that: other than thatMan Pinching Nose Close-up Photo Emotional issues , Work problems Anxiety and anxiety can also cause insomnia Insomnia solutions Sleep can be improved by following these tips Your bed and bedroom should be comfortable and not too hot, cold or hot Photography of Bedroom Exercise or walking is beneficial. The best time to exercise is during the day. Usually in the late afternoon or early evening. Exercising after this can interfere with your sleep.Man Walking Near Body of Water Caffeine stays in the body for hours after drinking tea or coffee. Don't have tea or coffee after lunch. If you want to drink a hot drink in the evening, drink a drink extracted from milk or any other herb, but it does not contain caffeine. Don't drink too much alcohol. It can make you sleepy and wake you up late at night. White Ceramic Teacup With Saucer Near Two Books Above Gray Floral Textile Don't eat too much late at night. Dinner is best eaten early in the evening. If you don't have a good night, don't sleep the next day because it won't make you sleep the next night. Consult your doctor if you follow these steps and you still can't sleepWoman Having Facial Care Psychiatric treatment has also been shown to be beneficial. This treatment focuses on the way you think, which may make you more anxious or sleep deprived.


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