How you can keep yourself fit
How you can keep yourself fit at different ages is not a difficult task. 37735491250537310First of all, the good health of the baby depends on the diet of the baby. Breast milk is very important for the baby, it strengthens the bones and strengthens the body.
If for some reason it is not possible, good quality milk should be given because at the same age, strong bones are also useful in youth.
As the child gets older, he needs to be kept active. He should be encouraged to play indoors and outdoors. Outdoor games are very important to keep the child active and strong. Play with the children yourself. Doing art with the whole family makes children physically and mentally strong, for example, try to climb a certain height.
18 to 35 years old:
This is the age at which a young person enters practical life.
At this age the lifestyle changes radically, the simple life of childhood is over and the busy schedule of the day for a very good future lies on the table of the youth. At this age many sportsmen are left behind. At this age, important destinations like universities, colleges and jobs are in front of the youth, work for it.
35 to 60 years old:
This age is disturbing in many ways.
Marriage loans have to be repaid.
You have to borrow money to pay the child's fees or you need more money to run the house. You can get a car from the bank in a few minutes. But the payment of installments is on your head for 24 hours Yes, it completely eliminates the activities of childhood and adolescence. Anxiety and loneliness are the future of such young people. Weight gain begins. The digestive system slows down and the job begins to appear. Scientists have also come up with a solution. Walk briskly for at least 20 to 30 minutes two or three times a week, it will also create agility and fitness.
Will also remain Over 61 years of age: It is not easy for people over the age of 60 to do any kind of exercise because the muscles start to weaken. Remember that unused limbs can get sick. So do some light exercise at home. Weight lifting exercise is best. It also strengthens the lungs and knee bones. If possible, a yoga class. Take it. The easiest way to keep your legs strong is to keep them balanced. Also do the exercise of standing on one leg. You can also take the help of a table or a wall. By standing on both legs once a day, the bones of the legs will be fine. If this exercise does not give relief, then do it daily. And if possible, lean against a wall. Keep your eyes closed while standing on one leg in turn. Closing your eyes gives peace of mind. This will create extraordinary strength in the hips and shins. In addition, you can do light exercise, you must do it before the exercise. One of the benefits of this is that in case of falling at any time, the bones Will definitely be strong, there will be no fracture
By taking regular physical exercise, we can keep ourselves fit and enjoy better healthy life. Nice post and I liked it.