physiotherapy in Alexandria Virginia today we're going to discuss some of the
benefits of trigger point dry needling granulating is a neat adjunct to
treatment when we can't focus in on one orthopedic issue that
might be causing the patinas physical therapists we immediately
start to think well what can be theca use of the problem here
what might be the thing driving the pain and then we would test that out shoulder joint injury let's say
an acromioclavicular joint or a rotator cuff injury people will say it
hurts here right here
when i do this so when we have these diffuse patterns of pain
that are dull in nature maybe getting a
little bit worse may respond to different positions of the head neck or
shoulders that don'tmake sense for
a joint injury in that area that's when
we have to start thinking about myofascial reason for some of the overlap of pain
the needle itself a lot of times is not even perceived by the patient that i'll tell them is that when i'm
locating these trigger points with my fingers
i'm asking them questions about whatthey're sensing is this pain
referring into an area where they'rekind of feeling a typical sensation
their complaintand if so when we use the actual needle
the pain is not any greater than when iapply my own palpation with my
the difference however is that when i
place that needle insideto that myofascial knot and there is
there's a dull egg that is associatedwith a referral pattern and a local
that is just a different sensation thanmyself putting my fingers there
so it's a surprising sensation it's a
deeper ache than they normally can feel because my hands must go through
moretissue to get there and it'sreallyacutevery fast mostly surprising to a lot
people more so than it is any more painful than any other technique
a typical side effect of dry needling isa soreness
it's a soreness very similar to one that if you would exercise muscles
very hard
you'd go to move that arm that leg your neck and feels'stiff the motion actually is is one of
the things we see the most improvement in near immediately
whereas if someone couldn't side bend their head because of trigger
points and
some of the muscles of their neck that we were working on
you asked them to stand up we'd measure that side bending again for
example and
then show an improvement that's pretty typical response
the pain is dependent upon the body parts well some areas of the body
in particular the calves and maybe the hands and feet
can be a little bit more uncomfortable
than let's say the muscles of the gluts the large muscles of the
shoulders so it
does depend on where you're having the treatment done
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