health and fitness
about the terms health and fitness we're going to start with the health nowhealth is this overall well-being of a person butthere's fourdifferentcomponents of itwe've got the physical which is our body and the the quality ofour bodilysystemswehave the socialcomponent which is the quality of our connection with other people ourour emotional aspect which is how wefeel about what we're doing and how we actually carry ourselves and lastly wehave our mental component this is thequality of our thought how productive are our decisions and if we can improve and target all four of these components we can then consider ourselves orsomeone else to be healthy okay so it'sthe all-around well-being physicallysocially mentally emotionally it's notjust the absence of illness now if we go over to the other side now and have alook at fitness fitness relies not sorry not this onefitness is more linked with just thephysical aspect and it's called meeting ...