
Showing posts from January, 2023

The lungs and fresh air breath hart

The lungs are surrounded by the front and back regions (chest bones), the brain is covered by the liver and stomach from the top, and the heart is at the side, which is supplied by red and oxygen-rich blood. The lungs and fresh air breath  hart  The nerves in the lungs are too small to feel pain, so people suffering from this disease suffer from other disorders instead of chest pain. Affected skin due to spongy and delicate texture. The cilia in the lungs are very delicate, but some foreign bodies (bacteria, viruses, fungi) do not get filtered by these cilia, just as some substances come out of the sieve when making coffee. The lungs and fresh air breath  hart  The trachea carries air to the lungs, and the air travels from the trachea to the bronchioles, which are two in number, one to the right and the other to the left lung. It moves air. Finally, this air reaches the air sacs (alveoli), which are connected to these air sacs by many fine arteries that carry the sam...


Migraine can be reduced through several home remedies though the reduction can be a slow process there are definite ways to get real results. While strong medicines are really necessary to control an attack only a slow and steady approach to treating it from inside and controlling outside triggers in environment can help a lot. Firstly it is important to get an allergy test done and understand your triggers. While most people would be allergic to smoke, coffee, smell of perfume or cooking, dust, pollution, pollen, cheese, other dairy products, gluten, nuts, etc. there can be strange apparently harmless culprits too. So the first step would be to understand your triggers through a blood allergy test and avoid the triggers.This is a must. After this, one must go through an internal cleansing method by going through a completely raw or fresh juice based diet for a couple of days which does not include any of the trigger foods. This does not mean that one goes into raw food for life straig...

Male hormone 'INSL-3'.

 A possible disease can be predicted four years in advance by looking at the decrease in the male hormone 'INSL-3'. A possible disease can be predicted four years in advance by looking at the decrease in the male hormone 'INSL-3'. Nottingham: After long research, experts have said that a certain hormone in men remains in the same amount throughout life and changes in it can accurately predict future health or diseases. Dr. Ravinder Anand and his team from the University of Nottingham, UK, and his team said that a hormone called 'INSL-3' appears during puberty in boys and its amount decreases slightly in old age. This is the reason that the future of health can be known by looking at its fluctuations. If there is a deficiency of this hormone in youth, it can persist until puberty. It can mean health complications and diseases. But by looking at the hormone, a potential disease can be treated early. In this way, increasing stress and management of diseases can be ...

Drinking water

 Maryland, USA: A study has revealed that drinking water not only keeps many diseases away including heart disease but can also significantly increase the length of life. The study is the first of its kind to look at the relationship between longevity biomarkers and the presence of water in the blood. Experts from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States insist that people who do not drink enough water can suffer from many diseases and die earlier than the average age. The same team also conducted research on water in the year 2019 and 2022 and said that drinking less water for a long time can not only increase the risk of heart diseases and other diseases, but also affects the length of life. However, he had previously conducted research on rats and reported that if they were given adequate amounts of water, the rats' lives could be extended by 6 months, which is equivalent to 15 years in human life. The same team collected data from humans in their new study. ...

human eye

  human eye , in humans, specialized sense  organ  capable of receiving visual images, which are then carried to the brain. The eye is protected from mechanical injury by being enclosed in a socket, or orbit, which is made up of portions of several of the bones of the skull to form a four-sided pyramid, the apex of which points back into the  head . Thus, the floor of the orbit is made up of parts of the maxilla, zygomatic, and palatine bones, while the roof is made up of the orbital plate of the frontal bone and, behind this, by the lesser wing of the sphenoid. The  optic foramen , the opening through which the  optic nerve  runs back into the brain and the large ophthalmic artery enters the orbit, is at the nasal side of the apex; the superior orbital  fissure  is a larger hole through which pass large veins and nerves. These nerves may carry nonvisual sensory messages—e.g., pain—or they may be motor nerves controlling the muscles of the ey...

Water Fluoridation: Just the Facts

  © Luchschen/ Fluorine  (F) is a naturally occurring  element . Fluorine  compounds , or fluorides, are compounds that contain the element fluorine. Fluoride is the fluorine  ion  (F - ), which is an  anion . Water- soluble  fluorine compounds release fluoride ions into the water they’re dissolved in. Chemical fluoride is added to public water sources in order to reduce dental  caries  (cavities). Water fluoridation programs  are effective in reducing the incidence of caries, particularly among children. Fluoride in toothpaste and in other dental health products has also contributed to the declining incidence of caries. Water fluoridation has an advantage over topical applications of fluoride (for example, by toothpaste) in that it can potentially reduce caries among disadvantaged populations who may not have access to topical means. Before governments began adding fluoride to community water systems, fluoride was alr...