Male hormone 'INSL-3'.

 A possible disease can be predicted four years in advance by looking at the decrease in the male hormone 'INSL-3'.

A possible disease can be predicted four years in advance by looking at the decrease in the male hormone 'INSL-3'.

Nottingham: After long research, experts have said that a certain hormone in men remains in the same amount throughout life and changes in it can accurately predict future health or diseases.

Dr. Ravinder Anand and his team from the University of Nottingham, UK, and his team said that a hormone called 'INSL-3' appears during puberty in boys and its amount decreases slightly in old age. This is the reason that the future of health can be known by looking at its fluctuations.

If there is a deficiency of this hormone in youth, it can persist until puberty. It can mean health complications and diseases. But by looking at the hormone, a potential disease can be treated early. In this way, increasing stress and management of diseases can be of great help.

In this context, experts have collected data of 2200 men of all ages in 8 different countries of Europe. Men whose levels remained the same were healthy, while those with low INSL-3 levels were seen to suffer from many diseases.

It should be noted that this hormone is produced in the male organ and also shows the health of the Leydig cells in the testicles. And we know that the malfunction of Leydig cells has been the cause of many diseases in the future. The best part is that the exact amount of 'INSL-3' can be determined with a simple blood test.

Scientists insist that this entire hormone system can be improved by giving boys a balanced and healthy diet at an early age. The most surprising thing is that the people in the survey who had low levels of the hormone were definitely showing the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other diseases.


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