Water is a great gift of nature for us. Whether it is hot or cold, experts recommend drinking 8 glasses of water. Its usefulness and importance should be assessed. You may have noticed in summer. When you go out of the house on foot or during the day, people drink cold drinks, sugarcane syrup, coconut water, canned juice and various other drinks. Drink Apart from sugarcane syrup and coconut water, these beverages contain carbon dioxide gas, white sugar sweeteners and artificial fruit flavors and are very popular among the people as well. Moderate Simple water is life. Even if it is without any taste, it becomes a part of the physical chemical process and improves the functions and performance from our brain to the whole body. The waste water is excreted from the body in the form of sweat and urine. Two liters of water is excreted from our body in a day, so we feel thirsty to make up for this deficiency. Water is needed. Our body cannot store water that is why we need to drink water fro...